Frozen Charlotte – Alex Bell

<frozen-charlotteDunvegan School for Girls has been closed for many years. Converted to a family home, the teachers and students are long gone. But they left something behind…
Sophie arrives at the old schoolhouse to spend the summer with her cousins. Brooding Cameron with his scarred hand, strange Lilias with her fear of bones, and Piper, who seems just a bit too good to be true.
And then there’s the other girl.
The girl with the room full of antique dolls. 
The girl that shouldn’t be there.
The girl that died.
And that is the blurb of the chilling, creepy, murderous book that rattled the insides of me. This is an excellent book that i highly recommend to any reader. Well, by any reader, i mean anyone willing to read a book that will leave you with nightmares for at least a week. by ‘any reader’ i mean someone over fourteen years of age. Which, unfortunately for me, i am two years below this age restriction that i set for later readers of this book. Sigh.
I loved this book for its attention to detail of every ounce of pain, sorrow and helplessness, and how it emphasises the feelings of all the characters. The book gives you thoughts like, ‘Would Piper really do that?’ or ‘How did all of the families’ minds become so twisted and horrible?”.
This book puts a perfect image in my head for every scene I read, and I truly believe I am with Sophie in the horrible world of the Craig family and its disasters. It really puts you in the shoes of our characters, and for that I admire Alex Bell.
A fantastic read that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I would definitely recommend this to all readers looking for a good scare and a murder mystery! Five out of five stars!
Thanks to @cavershamragu (my uncle) for sharing this on his horror blog – make sure to check his page out immediately! Also, remember to comment requests for my next horror book for review! >:-D

5 thoughts on “Frozen Charlotte – Alex Bell

  1. Wow – sounds creepy! To creepy for me…but I can’t wait for you do to the next, if it doesn’t scare you to death half way through! Loved the review sis!


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